The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

Homeschooling in Mongolia – my experience as a missionary kid and third culture kid

Homeschooling in Mongolia Homeschooling – it refers to the educating of a child at home, which is usually done by a parent. Globally, around 2.5 million children were homeschooled in 2019. It is rare to hear about someone from Singapore who’s gone through homeschooling, let alone used to live in Mongolia. My parents homeschooled me from …

Opinion piece: How blockchain technology is going to change the education industry

How blockchain technology is going to change education industry Disruptive technology has become a hot topic, with the rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies. All these new inventions have one thing in common – blockchain technology. People predict that blockchain technology will change everything in our lives. Things may change from the way we …

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