The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

AI as a classroom teaching tool

 Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of our lives from research to art, and education is no exception. Recently there has been a rise in use of AI amongst students for homework and assignments. We have seen AI writing essays for students and even passing a law exam but what about its use amongst teachers?

There are many technological classroom tools like Khan academy but never did we forecast that AI would infiltrate our classrooms and be the newest tool for teaching. . With AI technologies becoming more accessible, teachers now have an opportunity to enhance their teaching methodologies and improve student outcomes. Here’s some ways on how teachers can use AI for the classroom:

AI can personalise learning
Image by 14995841 from Pixabay

One of the primary benefits of AI in education is its ability to personalize learning. Every student has a unique learning style and pace, and AI can help teachers cater to those differences. Adaptive learning systems, powered by AI, can assess students’ performance and create individualized learning paths. For example, a math teacher can use an AI-powered learning management system (LMS) that can recommend math problems based on each student’s skill level and progress. This approach can help students who struggle with math, as they can learn at their own pace and get extra help when needed. This reduces teachers’ load of needing to monitor its student’s learning ability and can quickly identify which students to pay more attention to.

Increase classroom preparation efficiency

Another way AI can help teachers is through intelligent tutoring systems. These systems use natural language processing (NLP) to interact with students and provide feedback. They can recognize when a student is struggling and adjust the difficulty level of the task. Intelligent tutoring systems can also analyze student performance data and provide teachers with insights on how to improve their teaching methods. The recommendations that are provided will be drawn from the best teaching sources and can identify and recommend the most efficient teaching methods. This cuts down on a lot of time a teacher may spend on trial and error teaching methods. Classroom preparation is often a component that teachers spend the most amount of time while preparing lessons.Therefore, the use of AI can help increase the efficiency of teaching by cutting down preparation time.

Cutting down repetitive tasks
Image by tjevans from Pixabay

Lastly, AI-powered grading systems can also be a time-saver for teachers. Grading is a very repetitive task especially when it comes to grading multiple choice assignments. It takes up a significant amount of time, and automating the process can free up teachers to focus on other important tasks. AI can help grade simple and objective assignments, such as multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-blank quizzes. This approach can also reduce the possibility of human errors and ensure fairness in grading.

Is AI our new classroom tool?

Will AI be a future classroom tool for teachers? The potential of its use in classrooms is promising but much time and training is still needed to implement such tools. Additionally, AI is not fool-proof and the information provided still needs fact-checking as it may be subjected to biases. There may also be a need to implement regulations on how AI can be utilised to prevent its misuse. It would be worrying if teachers over-rely on AI to do their job. Thus, AI may still take a while before it can be efficiently implemented.


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

In conclusion, AI can be a powerful tool for teachers to enhance their teaching methodologies and improve student outcomes. AI can personalize learning, provide intelligent tutoring, automate grading, and identify potential issues early on. However, AI cannot be a substitute for human teachers. We still need a human touch when it comes to educating our future generation. Thus, AI can be a complementary tool for educators and help them provide a better learning experience for their students. It is essential to note that teachers should receive proper training to effectively and responsibly use AI in the classroom.

Our solution: CaseStudy

Do you believe that everyone should have access to advanced technologies like AI and the Internet, no matter where they live? Are you looking for ways to help underrepresented communities left behind because of the digital divide? Just as AI brings innovation to the classroom, The Patatas seeks to do the same for education. We are a social enterprise that is currently exploring innovative ways to give opportunities to the communities without power or internet to make education accessible to them through technology.

CaseStudy initially emerged as a tablet-based learning solution in collaboration with Tiwala Kids & Communities, Inc. in Legazpi, Philippines. Over time, it has evolved into a comprehensive school-in-a-box solution that has proven highly effective in engaging students within rural schools and communities. Notably, participants in the CaseStudy program have consistently exhibited significantly better academic performance compared to their non-participating peers.

Variety of Educational Resources

With the ability to load their own materials into CaseStudy, educators are also able to curate educational resources to engage their students in their local context and language. In addition, teachers can opt to have open educational resources (OERs) such as Khan Academy and Wikipedia preloaded into CaseStudy. With OERs, young students in rural areas can now have the opportunity to do self-directed digital learning and research in a safe way. In a way, it is like a teaching assistant in rural communities.

Students in rural communities engaged in digital class
CaseStudy is also perfect for rural communities without reliable power supply as it can be fully charged with solar power. Classes can be conducted anywhere from classrooms to the jungles. The possibilities are endless. It is our dream that no communities shall be left out from the benefits of recent technological advancements like AI. If you are interested to learn more about us, you can check out our main website or reach out to us!
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