The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

Asset 50
Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore
Public vocational education institution that provides
pre-employment training to secondary school graduates,
and continuing education and training to working adults.

The Problem
The English alphabet is often a monotonous process for
children to learn in their formative years of schooling.
Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore
Public vocational education institution that
provides pre-employment training to secondary
school graduates, and continuing education and
training to working adults.

The Problem
The English alphabet is often a monotonous
process for children to learn in their formative
years of schooling.

Project Summary
Through collaboration with ITE students,
we ideated and created a fun and interactive
learning experience through Augumented
Reality, called AR-phabet.

AR-phabet provides additional mobile
learning avenues and increases the
engagement level for the participants.
It also provides learning support for the
teachers teaching the alphabet.

Project Summary
Through collaboration with ITE students,
we ideated and created a fun and interactive
learning experience through Augumented
Reality, called AR-phabet.

AR-phabet provides additional mobile
learning avenues and increases the
engagement level for the participants.
It also provides learning support for the teachers
teaching the alphabet.
Target Beneficiaries
Students below the age of 7
Target Beneficiaries
Students below the age of 7
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