The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

Best YouTube Channels to Follow for Teachers

Best YouTube Channels to Follow for Teachers If you are an educator, you should know that one of the best ways to increase classroom engagement levels and share content knowledge is through the use of media. Gone are the days of traditional mediums like paper and pen! Now, with the power of technology and innovation, …

 3 Types of Alternative Schools That Exist Today

3 Types of Alternative Schools That Exist Today Malcom X, a prominent human rights activist, once said that “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” With this spirit of education in mind, we are no stranger to the importance of education here in Singapore. We …

Using Wikipedia Offline to Educate Students

Using Wikipedia Offline to Educate Students At the sight of the words ‘Wikipedia’ and ‘Education’, some may instinctively get alarmed and bemoan that it is an unreliable source of information for education. As a crowd-sourced site built on a wiki platform, anyone can edit the free information at any time of the day. This leaves the …

Ways to Improve Education in Refugee Camps in South Sudan

Ways to Improve Education in Refugee Camps in South Sudan South Sudan is the newest country on the map, but newfound independence might not always be a call for celebration. After a ghastly civil war, South Sudan gained independence in 2011, but that did not put an end to the unfortunate blood and violence. Two …

Education in Refugee Camps: Early childhood

Education in Refugee Camps: Early childhood Refugee camps are temporary facilities providing immediate protection to refugees. Refugees are people who are forced to flee due to violence, conflict or persecution. Hence, the word “refugee” is often associated with survival – shelter and food. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are a total of 70.8 …

Challenges Refugee Students Face and How to Solve Them?

Challenges Refugee Students Face and How to Solve Them Refugee students face a plethora of challenges to their education journey due to the conditions they live in. Given a student’s goal which is to learn new knowledge and skills at school for the sake of their future, it is tragic that refugee students face problems of …

Education for Refugees: Barriers and Improvements in access

Education for Refugees: Barriers and Improvements in access With the doubling of refugees over the last 10 years to reach the current estimate of 25.9 million, the demand for improving access to refugee education has never been higher. As refugee populations grow, their proportion of young people below 18 has only increased. From under-18s making …

Teaching in Refugee Camps: Challenges and Solutions

Teaching in Refugee Camps: Challenges and Solutions Forced to flee their homes to seek safety, away from war and oppression, 37,000 people are displaced daily. The number of refugees has doubled over the past decade and currently stands at 25.9 million worldwide. The growing humanitarian crisis is, to many, one of the greatest challenges humanity faces today. From having …

Classroom in a Box: Highlights and Areas for Improvement

Classroom in a Box: Highlights and Areas for Improvement In June 2015, Samsung announced the release of Classroom in a Box in collaboration with McGraw-Hill Education (an education company dedicated to creating improved educational experiences based in Learning Science research). Samsung announced its intention to positively impact students through technology while giving teachers the tools …

Vodafone Instant Network Schools: Highlights and Drawbacks

Vodafone Instant Network Schools: Highlights and Drawbacks According to the website of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than half of the refugee children of school age do not go to school. As such, being able to go through education is considered a privilege to them, which is one of the many …

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